Band Conductor Prerogatives / Member Rules & Responsibilities

Adopted by the MHCB Board of Directors, July 10, 2009

MHCB welcomes players of all levels and all instruments; nonetheless, we ask members to make a commitment to the necessary practice (both at home and especially in rehearsal) to be a contributing musician in the band.

Rehearsal-Conflict Rules: Members may choose to participate in two bands that do not rehearse at the same time. With certain exceptions (percussion instruments; and situations where a specific instrument is requested by the Conductor), the musician will choose a single instrument to play in each of those bands.

Communication: Our Conductors welcome a free exchange of ideas and questions, which may be broached during a rehearsal if appropriate, or may be addressed before or after rehearsal. Or if desired, the member may wish to contact the Conductor by telephone or email.

Rehearsal Participation: To play in a concert, a member must:
1. Fully participate in rehearsals for 2/3 of rehearsals leading up to the concert;
2. Miss only one rehearsal in the month leading up to the concert;
3. Participate in the complete dress rehearsal.
Exceptions to these rules may only be granted by the Conductor.

Concert Attendance: Members are expected to attend the entire concert, arriving at the specified call time and staying through to the end.

Notification of Absence: If a rehearsal or concert is missed for any reason, it is the member's responsibility to personally contact the Conductor. Members should notify their Conductor(s) if they will be absent for a legitimate reason. Ideally, this will be before the event, so that the Conductor may make plans to work around the absence. If the Conductor cannot be reached, the member should try to contact another member to carry the word to the rehearsal.

Staging: For all rehearsals and concerts, members should help set up and tear down, as necessary.

Authority: All Band Conductors serve at the pleasure of the MHCB Board of Directors. However, the MHCB Board grants its Band Conductors the authority to make the final decision on who may or may not play in a particular band or participate in any scheduled concert.

Dues: Timely payment of members' dues (by the 10th of every month) is vitally important to the financial health of the Mile High Community Band. For those members who have financial difficulties, the MHCB Board will make accomodations so that all muscians may play in the band. But the Board needs to know what the circumstances may be. Requests for financial assistance should be addressed to the Board and be in written form. Finally, It is the responsibility of a member who wishes to take a "sabbatical" or no longer wishes to participate to notify the Treasurer, so that dues will not continue to accrue.

Quitting the MHCB:
We understand that circumstances change. If a member chooses to quit the Band, he or she should let the Conductor(s) know before participating in a last rehearsal or event.

If a member will be absent or quits the band, it is his or her responsibility to promptly return all MHCB music to the Conductor(s).

Loaned Instruments: Any MHCB instrument(s) loaned to any member must be returned to the band when the member is no longer participating in the organization.