
MHCB Board of Directors Meeting

North High School; 11/5/2015



CALL TO ORDER- Vern Vail called the meeting to order at 8:40pm


ATTENDEES-     Board Members: Tracy Collins, Dan Filipiak, Cedric Lindsay, Roger Oram, Brian Smith, Vern Vail

Music Directors: Mike Lucas, Rick Mongrain

Operations Manager: Bruce Thron-Weber



Minutes from the 10/1/2015 meeting were approved as submitted.

Dan asked if there were any other unapproved minutes outstanding. There were none; we are current.


Mike said that as of now it was uncertain whether next week’s dress rehearsal would be at RRCC or at North High. An email will be forthcoming when we know.

Rick said the Combo would have four tunes ready for our next concert, and that the new guitar player was great. He continues to be happy with the progress of the Intermediate band. Rick said he would be absent on 1/21/2016 and 1/28/2016; the board approved Roger’s contacting Tom Ball to see if he could sub for Rick on those dates.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Vern said he thought the Board was well staffed and off to a good start. He appreciated that we are cleaning up some old/pending issues.

VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Roger said we had received a membership renewal request from the Association of Concert Bands (ACB). The renewal cost is fifty dollars. The Board voted to pay for the renewal.
Roger will wrap this up.

SECRETARY’S REPORT- Nothing to report beyond Bylaws wrap-up. See Old Business

TREASURER’S REPORT- Tracy handed out copies of MHCB financial statements (Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss) to all attendees. She invited questions at this or at future Board meetings. She also said we had received and deposited our grant check from the SCFD.

OPERATIONS MANAGER’S REPORT- Bruce mentioned that dues are coming in well and that band shirts are going fast. (He hopes we’ll have enough.)


Tree lighting ceremony: Since details were so late in getting this arranged, the event has been scratched from the MHCB schedule.

Bylaws wrap-up: Dan passed out redline and final copies of the new baseline of the MHCB Bylaws. With the correction of a spelling error, the new baseline was voted on and approved. This baseline now incorporates all changes approved by the Board per the minutes of 4-3-2014 and August 1, 2013.

Roger brought up the need to update the non-discrimination statement in our Bylaws so that we are compliant with SCFD; This will be handled promptly, and will be accomplished against the new baseline.

Scholarship Issues: Roger asked for time to research the status of scholarship issues and report back at a future Board meeting.

DMA move, and music storage: Mike said that this matter is still being discussed with the DMA (Mike Weaver). They are still open to renting us space.

Red Rocks CC Relationship: It turned out that Hill Baker of RRCC does not have enough time to serve on the MHCB Board, though there may be an alternate or two who could. We are still considering and discussing what other possibilities exist; e.g., the RRCC ‘Student Life’ organization may be a helpful contact. Cedric reported that several volunteers for an MHCB brass quintet have given him their names.



Winter Concert at RRCC:                                 11/19/2015. All Bands

Edgewater Plaza Senior Housing:                     12/10/2015. (all but the Combonians)

Edgewater                                                    12/12/2015. (tentative: Combonians only: Pro-bono)


Sound system purchase: Mike mentioned that Dave Cooke knew of someone wanting to sell a system. He and Rick will check this out and report back to the Board as to how well it would meet our needs, and the cost.

Guest soloist for the April concert: Mike highly recommended Charles West, clarinetist, to be our guest soloist in April. The Board agreed and voted to pay his airfare, up to $500, for this appearance. There may be need for a special venue and advertising for this concert; a matter for further discussion.

ADJOURN- The meeting was adjourned at about 9:35 pm.