
MHCB Board of Directors Meeting

North High School; 2/4/2016



CALL TO ORDER- Vern Vail called the meeting to order at 8:35 pm


ATTENDEES-     Board Members: Tracy Collins, Dan Filipiak, Cedric Lindsay, Roger Oram, Vern Vail

Music Directors: Mike Lucas

Operations Manager: Bruce Thron-Weber



Minutes from the 12/3/2015 meeting were approved as submitted.


Mike said he was looking for a good and affordable (DVD) videographer for the bands. He also spoke about the need for security, a sound-person, and logistics support (chairs, stands) at our special Spring concert at NHS.

The ensuing discussion also addressed the goal of gathering a larger audience than usual, perhaps by publicizing at area high schools and colleges. Roger brought up the possibility of having the NHS Drumline perform prior to our program as a way of increasing interest at NHS. Vern suggested that we have extra band members available at the door to get ZIP codes from the anticipated larger number of attendees.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Vern said that band matters were proceeding smoothly, including preparations for the concert, and that our music had been moved into Golden Music and was being put into the file cabinets.

VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Roger said that we had paid the bills received to date.

SECRETARY’S REPORT- Dan thanked Roger for getting the website updated with the most recently approved Bylaws and Minutes.

TREASURER’S REPORT- Tracy handed out copies of the latest MHCB financial statements (Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss) to all attendees. She said she was available to answer related questions at this or at future Board meetings.

OPERATIONS MANAGER’S REPORT- Bruce said that it was difficult time-wise for him to fulfill the roles of both Ops Manager and Librarian, and stated his preference for the Ops Manager role. He reported that one member was behind in dues and may apply for a scholarship; also that our updated Bylaws had been sent to our accountant; and that about half of our music was now in file cabinets at Golden Music

Bruce said that the final report to SCFD for last year was nearly ready; -Vern will help in reviewing this before it is delivered. He mentioned his email asking all Board members for an updated statement of their previous experience. He said that our next application for an SCFD grant was due in March and asked the Board to be ready to assist as he prepares it. See also New Business.

Bruce stated that the SCFD would likely review our new application on Wednesday, April 13 (this date is still to be confirmed). Bruce asked who might be ready and able to assist him in this review session, and Mike offered to help. Bruce went through several matters of interest/concern that the SCFD might be pursuing with us at the review. These include (1) the number of people attending our concerts, (2) our budget and particularly our sources of income, and (3) the number of concerts we do, which used to be about ten and was now about seven.


Scholarship Application Form: Roger read for the Board his proposed revision to wording in the scholarship application form. After some discussion of particulars, it was agreed that Roger would articulate the final wording of this revision and send it to the Board via email.

Note: In emails subsequent to the Board meeting, the following revised verbage was formally proposed, voted, and approved for immediate inclusion into the scholarship application form: “Please note: We expect each scholarship recipient to commit to participate in all applicable rehearsals and scheduled performances. Disregard of this commitment will be addressed by the MHCB Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis and may result in a withdrawal of your scholarship or non-renewal in the future.”

Small Groups: Cedric provided an update on the status of small groups within MHCB, saying that the brass quintet membership was yet to be firmed up. Also still to be determined were the location (Golden Music, RRCC,NHS), day and time for its rehearsals.


No report


Spring Concert                 April 7, 2016. (all bands)


SCFD Grant Application: Bruce requested the active participation of the Board in remaining efforts to assemble our SCFD grant application. To this purpose, Vern suggested that one or more working sessions be held as soon as practical, wherever convenient for those involved. Possible dates are 2/20 and 2/27.

Spring Concert, Dress Rehearsal: The venue for our April 7, 2016 Spring concert, featuring Charles West, is to be the auditorium at North High School. Bands will go on at the usual times. The dress rehearsal will be the day before --Wednesday evening, the 6th, at 7:15 pm, also at NHS, in the band room.

New Gigs: Cedric brought up the possibility of the Jazz Band’s being invited to perform at the upcoming convention of the Colorado Adult Education Professional Association –CAEPA. The convention is to be held on Thursday, 10/13/2016 at the Westin hotel in Westminster. It is possible that the Concert Band and/or the Combo might also participate. The music program is to be about 90 minutes long. Cedric is continuing to firm up details.

ADJOURN- The meeting was adjourned at about 9:35 pm.