
MHCB Board of Directors Meeting

North High School; 1/12/2017

Submitted by Eva Bramlett

CALL TO ORDER:       Vern Vail called the meeting to order at 8:40PM.

ATTENDEES:             Board Members: Eva Bramlett, Tracy Collins, Tim Hanna, Jessica Mess, Nicole Martino, Roger Oram, Brian Smith, Vern Vail

                                Music Directors: Michael Lucas, Rick Mongrain

                                Operation Manager: Bruce Thron-Weber


Minutes from the 11/6/2016 meeting were approved as submitted.


Mike indicated that he wished to explore future rehearsal space options. He mentioned RRCC as a possibility and Tim suggested checking into Colorado Christian University.

Rick updated the board on the combo’s most recent paying gig which was brought to the band by Mitch, a Jazz and Combo member. They were able to bring in $200 for the band. In addition, Rick said that he will be absent from rehearsal on January 26th. He stated that the combo can run itself whereas the intermediate band cannot. Consequently, the intermediate band rehearsal would have to be cancelled.. A concern was brought up regarding the dues of an intermediate band member who does not play with any other group. The solution for him created by the board was to omit payment for that week.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT- Vern states that everything seems to be going well and the involvement with the local composers for our next concert will be another positive addition not only for the band, but for our upcoming report with SCFD as well.




OPERATION MANAGERS REPORT- Bruce is working diligently to form the final report for SCFD which will be due February 14. To make this report he will need information from the new board members.


Scholarship applications: There were a total of seven scholarship applications, a majority of which were renewals. All were unanimously approved by the board.

Spring concert: The upcoming concert will be held April 6th at Red Rocks Community College.

Storage for MHCB banner framework: At this time the band banner framework is residing in Mike’s garage. The board is currently looking for a new, more permanent location for them. The board will first be looking for any band member who would be able to store the framework. If no one is willing or able to store it, the board will further discuss the possibility of adding more joints to the framework allowing it to store into the music storage room.

Website updates and designer: Mary, our web designer, is currently working on the Band’s website and has been able to add the concert program to the main page video recording of the Spring 2017 concert. In addition, Mary is also working on fixing the Invalid Token error which has prohibited us from accessing the website ‘front end” for announcements and updates. She temporarily has moved the web page to her own server – which Bruce says still allows members to pay dues through the website.

Bass clarinet players for instrument: A bass clarinet player who recently joined the band and is looking to borrow a bass clarinet. Although, another band member currently has a deposit on the clarinet, the individual has not been able to regularly make it to rehearsals. The board discussed and approved to delegate Bruce to let the new member use the bass clarinet under the same conditions.

Concert at Edgewater Senior Center 2017: The board discussed the benefits of playing at the Edgewater Senior Center this year which included the fact that not only did they enjoy having us there but it also benefits us by allowing SCFD to see where we are performing.

In addition, the board is currently looking into having two performances in a row during the month of June.

Rehearsal during Spring Break: Bruce mentions that we will be having rehearsal March 30th at Red Rocks Community College during spring break.

Musician performance contract: Jessica has begun the process of creating a contract to state specific details of the performance to include amount owed to the performer and concert information.

Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 9:30PM.