MHCB Board of Directors Meeting

March 5, 2020

Submitted by Nicole Martino


  1. Call to Order @ 10:12am                                                                       
    1. Attendance
      1. Board Members: Roger Oram, Jessica Mess, Cristina Baker, Barb Lichtenstein, Amber Kantor, Tim Hanna, Brian Smith, Risa Wolff, Nicole Martino
      2. Music Directors: Mike Lucas, Kim Horn
  • Others: Bruce Thron-Weber, Kevin Jones
  1. Absent: Rick Mongrain, Kim Horn
  1. Approval of Agenda
    1. Cristina Baker moved to approve the agenda for 3/5/20. Second, Approved unanimously.
  2. Approval of Minutes • 2/8/2020
    1. Jessica Mess moved to approve Minutes from 2/8/2020. Second, Approved unanimously.
  3. Reports
    1. Mike Lucas:
      1. Picked up a whole library of dance band music and stands. These could be used for a future concert, such as a fundraiser dinner and dance.
      2. Check with Tim’s dance group about dancing.
  • Possibly could do next year; Valentines’ theme??
  1. Concerts:
    1. Possibility of having a second concert in April at RRCC. taking a vote from members to see who is willing to do it.
    2. Possibility of moving June concert to Edgewater
    3. Need help moving equipment during concerts. Consider engaging a stage manager.
    4. Depending on venue, depends on help with equipment, i.e., Alameda comes with student volunteers
    5. If we have volunteers, they need to be at the venue by 4:00
  2. Operations Manager–Bruce Thron-Weber:
    1. Bruce shared a calendar with the 2020/2021 concert dates.
    2. Dues report: only one member is behind in dues
  • There is less turnover in band members
  1. SCFD report: application almost complete
  1. President–Cristina Baker:
    1. Working on fundraising
  2. Vice President–Roger Oram:
    1. Nothing to report
  3. Secretary – Nicole Martino:
    1. Nothing to report
  4. Treasurer–Jessica Mess:
    1. Nothing to report
  5. Discussion Items
    1. Scholarship report: several applications; will do an email vote
    2. Second April concert: email poll sent out, awaiting results
    3. New music storage: need new place; needs climate control and easy access; commercial site better than a private residence; consider going digital via scanning music with the help of volunteers.
    4. New piano/Go-Fund Me; according to Amber, the power button works, it just does not exist. Agreement that we need new piano; needs to be lightweight and portable; need to set a price ($600??) and set up a Go-Fund Me page.
    5. Band member, bassoonist, Kevin Jones - here to help with band publicity; DU student willing to help us with short and long term goals of the band
    6. Corona virus; wash your hands; stay home if sick; band to follow DPS protocol if school is out, so is the band. Will follow current recommendations
  6. For the good of the cause
    1. Nothing to report
  7. Adjournment 9:35pm
    1. Next meeting TBD