MHCB Board of Directors Meeting (Virtual)

July 26, 2021

Submitted by Cristina Baker


  1. Call to Order @ 7:35 pm                                                                       
    1. Attendance
      1. Board Members: Roger Oram, Cristina Baker, Risa Wolff, Barb Lichtenstein, Nicole Martino, Brian Smith
      2. Music Directors: Mike Lucas
  • Other: Bruce Thron-Weber
  1. Absent: Amber Kantor, Jessica Mess, Tim Hanna
  2. Approval of Agenda
    1. NA
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. NA
  4. Reports
    1. Operations Manager–Bruce Thron-Weber:
      1. Dues are not coming in as quickly as we would like.
      2. Everyone should have received an invoice if they still owe.
    2. President–Cristina Baker:
      1. How are things going?
    3. Vice President–Roger Oram:
      1. Mike and Roger have tried to get a substitute for Jeff. Would anyone else be qualified and interested in conducting the intermediate and jazz combo. Conrad suggests possibility of a member from concert band who might be qualified or interested in subbing when needed. Should he find his own sub?
      2. Storage- trying to secure
    4. Secretary – Nicole Martino
      1. Nothing to report
    5. Treasurer–Jessica Mess:
      1. not present
    6. Discussion Items
      1. Scholarship applications- 3 to review and motion to approve all.
      2. Appreciation card for percussionist- motion approved
      3. Concerns with membership and instrumentation:
        1. Need oboe, percussion, trombone, French horn
        2. Need percussion at least to have a concert
  • Maybe put Chorale and Shaker Dance on hold until instrumentation better
  1. Possibility for mid-September concert 9/16 or 9/9.
  2. Donate piano tuning to Edgewater Plaza. Roger thinks it could be under $200. Motion passed to donate piano tune.
  3. Dues and discounts- do we really need a $5 discount to get people to pay for full term. Save until next meeting.
  4. Pay Mike and Athena for 7/22. Need to review financials. Motion approved.


  1. Adjournment
    1. Next meeting Monday August at 8:30pm
    2. Moved to adjourn. Time constraint shut off virtual call. Roger and Cristina finished the meeting via phone.
    3. Two additional items:
      1. For our next 7:30 pm board meeting, please rank these three dates in order of preference. Exclude any dates that you cannot attend:
        1. Monday, August 23
        2. Tuesday, August 24
        3. Wednesday, August 25
      2. We have elected to ask Athena to conduct the FUNdamentals Band on July 29 and pay her $57.50 as we need to cover this vacancy.