Mile High Community Band Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes & Notes
November 20, 2021, 10 a.m.
Panera, 38th Ave
Submitted by Beth Hutchison

  1. Call to Order - 10:06 a.m.
    1. Attendance -
      1. Board Members -
        1. Present: Cristina Baker (CB), Roger Oram (RO), Risa Wolff (RW), Barb Lichtenstein (BL), Beth Hutchison (BH), Jessica Cooke Mess (JCM)
        2. Absent: Brian Smith, Amber Kantor, Tim Hanna
      2. Music Directors -
        1. Present: Jeff Miguel (JM)
        2. Absent: Mike Lucas, Kim Tiede
  • Other -
    1. Present:
    2. Absent: Bruce Thron-Weber
  1. Approval of Agenda
    1. NA
  2. Approval of Minutes
    1. 10:06, Unanimous approval


  1. MOTION made by CB, 10:07 - to add Discussion of making discount for full payment of dues permanent, should there be enough time in the meeting
    1. Seconded
      1. Votes: 6 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions
        1. Motion Passed, 10:07


  1. Discussion surrounding CB's return to band
    1. CB advised she will likely not return until Fall 2022
    2. Board agreed this has no bearing on her role as president
      1. Outcome: Resolved


  1. Discussion surrounding Website
    1. RO unable to post concert to website, needs to call web person again
    2. Website needs updated again
    3. CB suggested we use something anyone within the band can maintain
    4. RO wants to maintain historic data, too
    5. CB suggests Weebly & move all to new site. Suggests looking for discounts
      1. Outcome: Tabled for next meeting
    6. Donations received at Concert 11/18/2021
      1. JCM reports $78 received
      2. Discussion with JM that all directors should make announcement about donation box early in concert in hopes it will generate more revenue
        1. Outcome: Resolved


  1. Discussion surrounding need for microphone at next concert
    1. BH advises she owns a lot of A/V equipment the band is welcome to use. This includes: Microphones, mixers, speakers, large tents, tables & chairs.
      1. Outcome: Resolved


  1. Discussion surrounding Thank You Notes for 11/20 concert venue
    1. RO suggested sending Thank You notes to owners/GM of Crown Hill, venue for 11/20 concert
      1. Owners: Suzanne & Guy Stanfield
      2. GM: Mike Skolaut
    2. Board approved sending Thank You note from the entire band
      1. Outcome: Thank You Note sent by RO on Monday, 11/22/21


  1. Discussion surrounding Venue selection for 11/20 concert
    1. Need venue w/ right characteristics for little to no money
    2. North HS has its own events, & DPS limiting visitors due to COVID
    3. Being a Jeffco SCFD sponsored community band, most concerts must occur within Jefferson County
    4. JM suggests we allocate more funds to concert venue
    5. JCM advised COVID killed off fundraising efforts
    6. RO said MHCB has a good relationship with Alameda HS, but venue has been under construction
    7. BL asked if there are objections to church locations
    8. CB said no objections if all needs are met (space, piano, percussion equipment) and non-discriminatory
      1. Outcome: Resolved


  1. MOTION made by CB, 10:30: Appoint new Secretary
    1. BH volunteered
    2. Seconded
    3. Votes: 6 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions
      1. Motion Passed, 10:32
    4. Outcome: BH made Board Secretary



  1. Board reviewed a scholarship request (Concert band, Flute)
    1. Discussion surrounding responsibilities of recipients such as:
      1. Assist with Library
      2. Moving gear
    2. Discussion surrounding term of scholarships
    3. Webform needs adjusted to include dates of scholarship request
    4. MOTION brought by CB : Approve scholarship application
      1. Seconded
        1. Votes: 6 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions
          1. Motion Passed, 10:45
        2. Outcome: Scholarship approved, Webform change tabled


  1. COVID protocol review - 10:47
    1. Masks & Bell Covers
      1. Band policy has been to follow current CDC guidelines with recommendations being the preference over requirements
      2. RW advised will not return to band practice until masks are being worn (always for people not requiring wind for an instrument, & whenever not playing for winds) & covers for instruments are used
  • JMC reviewed the internet for availability of bell covers & their costs; vary wildly in cost & efficacy
  1. JM advised bags not a great idea for woodwinds, but could work for brass
  2. BH weighed in that recommendations OK but not requirements
  3. RO discussed ventilation of room. Will ask school about ventilation for room & timing of when that runs
  • BL suggests band provide covers & strong recommendation to use them & masks
  • CB suggests section members have conversations about their comfort level & risks directly, & the band will research cost & logistics of providing bell covers
  1. RW advised she would donate for the purchase of bell covers & masks
  2. RW brought up CO2 detectors for room
  3. BH suggested using box fans in doorways to circulate air
  • MOTION brought by CB: Board to issue "Strong recommendation" that masks be worn when not playing a wind instrument & will provide bell covers for voluntary use
    1. Seconded
      1. Vote - 4 For, 2 Against, 0 Abstentions
        • Motion Passed, 11:02
  • This will be a point of discussion at all board meetings as situation changes

  1. Vaccination Status of members
    1. It was suggested that band members should be required to be vaccinated to participate in band activities
    2. RO suggested an anonymous, voluntary survey be taken to assess percentage of vaccinated population
  • CB advised given the voluntary/anonymous nature, results could not necessarily be trusted to be accurate
  1. MOTION made by CB: Board to create and send Voluntary & anonymous vaccination survey to the band
    1. Seconded
      1. Vote - 5 For, 1 Against, 0 Abstentions
        • Motion Passed, 11:15

      2. Discussion surrounding Director Coverage
        1. Fill in directors doing great job & would be good replacements if it came to be needed (should they want to do it)
        2. CB suggested rotation of guest directors as a backup during transition period, to ensure we don't end up in a lurch
        3. BL suggested posting at Flesher-Hinton
        4. RW suggested discussion with DPS conductors
        5. BH suggested contacting schools with internship opportunities
        6. BL suggested Mike be given opportunity to conduct song as guest of honor at concerts even post-retirement
        7. CB suggested made to post to Denver musicians Facebook page
          1. Outcome: Tabled for future discussion


  1. Discussion surrounding need for percussionists
    1. Any percussionist would be offered full scholarship
    2. CB suggested posting need everywhere we can think of
    3. BL suggested contacting recent graduates
      1. Outcome: Tabled


  1. Discussion surrounding Librarian - 11:40
    1. Need to set rules about location of all music
    2. Member responsibility to erase notations upon return/receipt of music
    3. Need to set deadline for return of all music
    4. Discussion surrounding frequent repeats of music rotation
    5. This last concert period was shortened, so a conscious choice made this time to repeat music in that interest
    6. JM suggested a checkout sheet for libraries of music to know who has it
      1. Who, what, when, why
    7. Google Drive - CB needs full admin access immediately
      1. Outcome: Discussions will be had surrounding responsibilities of librarian, supporting librarian, & scholarship helpers, CB needs access to online library immediately


  1. End of Year Bonus - 12:02 p.m.
    1. JM asked to leave due to discussion of End of Year bonus for fill-in directors
    2. CB suggested bonus be given to fill-in directors
    3. Motion by CB: Offer End of Year Bonus for Kim Tiede & JM
      1. Seconded
        1. Votes: 6 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions
          1. Motion Passed, 12:05
        2. RO suggested a committee for scholarship review
          1. Include Brian Smith plus two dues-paying Band members
            1. Outcome: Tabled


  1. MOTION by CB: Set Next Meeting - January 15, 2022 10 a.m.,
    1. Seconded
      1. Votes: 6 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions
        1. Motion Passed, 12:10


  1. Need scholarship applications by Friday, 1/14/2022



  1. Call to Adjourn - 12:19
    1. Approved Unanimously



ACTION ITEM(S): Need scholarship applications by Friday, 1/14/2022